Enter Known Price and Items


Enter Unknown Price or Items



            If 350$=1000 units
      Then     90$=? 
                     ?=250 units

Price or quantity calculator

This calculator is used to calculate the quantity of items for given price or calculate price for give quantity of items.

This calculator is used to calculate like following problems.

 For example , in 35$ you can buy 455 items.  For 700 items how much you have to pay or for 100$ how much items you can buy.

you can easily calculate price of 700 items  is 53.846$ or number of items for100$ is 1300.

you dont need to remember the mathematical procedure for calculating problems like above.
Here items means producs or units like kg,liter,gm etc.

Comparing The Items

you can also compare the items with prices.
For example, in 17$ you can buy 100kg item, and in 50$ you can buy 350kg item. Then which offer is profitable or how much profit you can get in offer.

By using this calculator you can easily solve above problem.  According to first offer you cang get 350kg in 59.5$, but in second offer you get 350kg item in 50$. So in second offer you get profit 9.5$.

How to calculate price per unit or item

 Price per unit means price of single unit or item. It is calculate by dividing total price by quantity of units.
For example, in 30$ price you get 15 units.
price per unit is calculte by dividing 30$ by 15 units.

 i.e  30/15=2 dollar per unit.

How to calculate price of units or items

if you want to calculate price of certain quantity of items. Then multiply price per unit by quantity of items.

For example, calculate 200 items cost.
price per unit =2$.
No of items or units=200;

How to calculate quantity of unit or items

Consider you want to calculate quantity of units for given price.

For example calculate quantity of units for 350$ price.
Price per unit=2$
Quantity of item=350/2=175 no's